Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM) has announced that Publicis Groupe Africa will handle its marketing and advertising from 1 April 2023. Operating out of Johannesburg and Cape Town, the agency takes over from FCB Johannesburg. TSAM said it underwent a robust agency tender process for all advertising and digital marketing services.
Leon Theron, senior vice president of sales and marketing for TSAM, said:
“We cannot take away from the success we have enjoyed with FCB Johannesburg during our 60-year partnership. Their passion for storytelling and unwavering dedication enabled them to capture the essence of our brand.
“With Publicis onboard, we are confident that with their distinct dynamic approach, they will be able to handle our business needs going into the future as our business model and processes evolve.”
“The Lexus marketing and advertising account also went on tender and was ultimately re-awarded to the current agency M&C Saatchi Abel, who have been working with the brand since 2018.
“An additional decision has been made to unbundle web and digital services from the main accounts and through another vigorous tender process, this portion of the business has been awarded to a full-service digital marketing agency, Flume, which likewise takes the reins from 1 April 2023,” TSAM said.